SYNERG January 2014 | Page 12

The Challenges of Managing Your Own Energy Read more on our blog D eveloping a business energy procurement strategy is not as straightforward as many think - using an energy broker is often an excellent option for businesses of all sizes to secure a good deal in a complex market. Our Uberflip outlines everything you need to know. Many organisations manage their own business energy procurement strategy without realising the pitfalls such an approach entails. With rising energy costs and increasing environmental pressures to improve energy efficiency, you need to ensure you understand and can overcome the challenges of managing your own energy. Here are seven things you need to know... 1. The cheapest quote may not be the best option 2. Understand complex terms and conditions The energy industry lacks price transparency with a large number of suppliers offering a myriad of different products and rates. This means comparing quotes is not straightforward – it’s like comparing apples with oranges. The cheapest quoted rate may not necessarily be the cheapest overall option or the best value for your business. Therefore expert knowledge may be required to see beyond the headline figures and compare like with like, giving you a simple explanation of the options for you to make an informed decision. Energy supply contracts have typically long and complex terms and conditions. These are becoming increasingly complicated, especially with the addition of new clauses that enable suppliers to ‘pass-through’ additional third party charges during your contract term. Typically, customers find additional charges appearing on their bill, with the supplier referencing specific small print that justifies the increase. 13