How many forms does each tenant need to complete at your property? Do they have to come by the leasing office to fill out and initial paper? Is it frustrating, time-consuming and archiac? What if your property could transition to completely mobile form processing and offer a tech-savvy experience for your renters?
With eForm automation technologies from SyndicIT, delivered through our partnership with HP Autonomy's tools for Business Process Automation, your operational forms can become completely digitized, completely available for completion in an mobile environment, and can be instantly routed after completion to the correct workflow process. Once completed, your forms can be stored in conjunction with other documents in files managed in your on-line file cabinet system.
The use of eForms from HP Autonomy technology, available for mutifamily owners and operators from SyndicIT Services, will create a tech-savvy leasing experience that unleases leasing agents from their desk and allows them to walk around a property with a tablet to complete daily tasks like: unit inspections, lease renewals, propsect applications, and many other applications!
With eForms and process automation, residents can access required documentation and complete the form on-line from their personal devices, with or without the property manager. Forms can be configured for indivudal properties and even individual units. Completed forms are submitted to the property office to initiate a workflow, and then retained as a digital record. Best of all, all form data can be exported to other line-of business applications such as property management systems or maintenance databases.
Understanding thIS Technology
In any enterprise or business, information and processes are ubiquitous; both exist as a result of the other and together they drive the outcome of business. However, all organizations have a common
8 iMagazine / April, 2013
Mobile EForm Automation