Synaesthesia Magazine Sound | Page 9

sacred was cozy in bed with scared- so comfortable with one another, so similar just a slight rearrangement of letters with a climbing over to the other side of c completely changing the sound and mood you have exhausted me- you said- with all your expectations but what have I expected? too much- you said- and now we can only be friendsbut friend is one letter away from fiend and has the word end embedded in it like a tick or a leech feeding off the blood of its host I sucked your blood dry and I sucked your cock too till there was nothing left nothing and now I suck like a baby on the only thing that remainsmy shriveled thumb sliding in and out of my mouth mourning for the loss of a decade of passion that failed to lead us anywhere but right here mourning your moans of pleasure and hunger when I licked your stiff upper lip until your body shook like a wet dog and you ran with the other wet dogs away from me and when I saw my ex- the one before you he said-you were an all or nothing kind of gal more ‘all’ than nothing- I retorted with a self-conscious little laugh like it was a joke like our marriage had been one-big-joke he was the hungriest of the wet dogs in the pack with that wet dog smell lingering in my nostrils and on my tongue he wanted me to swallow and choke on the bones of our wordsa word like fail which lugs around the heaviness of ail and sounds an awful lot like fall holding up the lead-laden word all- which drags behind two of the letter “l” like my two husbands afraid I would clip them to a leash and take the lead but I knew better than thatchanging l to d transforms sound and meaning lead becomes dead I wasn’t suicidal.