Synaesthesia Magazine Nonsense | Page 15

Lately in my dreams

I’m walking under water so deep I can’t see light. Dream water is hard to move through.

I walk slowly towards

the scent of honeysuckles, aware people can’t smell

under water. I wonder why those arching vines

are here, why I

am here. When I try

to wake up I slip

further into sleep.

Lately in my dreams

I’m walking under water so deep I can’t see light. Dream water is hard to move through.

I walk slowly towards

the scent of honeysuckles, aware people can’t smell

under water. I wonder why those arching vines

are here, why I

am here. When I try

to wake up I slip

further into sleep.

by Kelly Jones

'Storm in a Lightbulb' by Annabelle Carvell