Synaesthesia Magazine Atlas | Page 41

Eugenia Loli is a filmmaker and collage artist. Originally from Greece, she’s now spent many years living in California. Before art took over her life she worked in the technology sector. Find out more at sometimes it goes down the wrong way Chris Negron There was the guy in Lincoln, Nebraska who was sure I was there to steal his girlfriend. Former defensive line, current satellite dish installation. He shook my hand too hard, laughed at his own jokes for too long. I had worked with Helen for a year by then, in town once every other month, and when she asked me to dinner with friends I should’ve said no, should’ve stayed in my room like always – free HBO, microwavable soup – but honestly, a drink with people sounded good. After Helen introduced me, her boyfriend repeated my title – Management Consultant – with the same expression he might make if forced to swallow harsh medicine, rancid fruit. I sipped my beer and nearly groaned when Helen described my “brilliant” ideas from that day’s meeting. Her boyfriend leaned away from her, gulping his Bud empty and calling for another. He started talking about cars, ignoring his buddies and asking me probing questions about carburetors and belts and tire pressure. I smiled and admitted how little I really knew about all that car stuff. He straightened in his chair and threw his arm around Helen, pulling her close the way you might yank a leash to prevent your puppy from sniffing at the neighbor dog’s ass. In Naperville, Illinois, the VP of Sales who requested I fly in had to go out of town unexpectedly that week. I spent my first morning there trying to convince Tammy from IT that it was okay to grant me access to their systems. I made frequent trips to the water cooler, sipping from a paper cone as I passed her cubicle. I stopped every other >