Symes Group Graduate Program Graduate Program Brochure | Page 11

Mental Toughness

Resilience and Self-Care

What is mental toughness?

How can you use mental toughness?

How do you develop mental toughness?

Using the internationally renowned MTQ48 tool, participants will explore strategies in peak performance, adoption of positive behaviours, enhanced wellbeing and better life skills.

Leadership Styles and Strengths

This session helps participants to use and leverage their personal strengths in the workplace, achieve clarity of personal leadership brand, build confidence and agility, and boost wellbeing and engagement with work.

The session involves a series of self-reflection activities centred on values, personal strengths, personal brand, leadership

and building personal capability.

In the Driver's Seat to Navigate your Career and Success

A high energy, fast-paced, interactive, stimulating session centred on the concept of career ownership.

The aim of the session is to empower and motivate individuals to get in the driver's seat of their career and to create a mindset of career contribution.

Topics include intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, growth mindset, goal setting, mental toughness and more.

Conflict Management

Conflict management involves skills development and practice in mastering conflict management and challenging conversations.

Through simple tips, shared scenarios, conversation practice and role plays, participants will learn and experiment with a range of conflict management techniques and styles.

The objective of the session is for the participant to gain confidence in responding authentically and appropriately in a situation

of conflict.