Sydney Office Update December Leasing Magazine online | Page 10

Krispy Kreme offices in Sydney – cost engineered to achieve a sophisticated look on a limited budget. 8 | SYDNEY OFFICE UPDATE SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS FIVE WAYS TO ENS U RE A GREAT OU TCOME FOR YO UR FI T-OU T PROJ EC T BY ANDREW JOHNSON MANAGING DIRECTOR, INTERMAIN Fitting-out an office is something most companies will do at least once. But with many complexities and moving parts involved, mis-steps can generate both financial and opportunity costs. At Intermain, we advise our clients of five ways they can prepare for their next project to get the very best outcomes for their business whilst ensuring on-time and on-budget delivery. I N PARTN E R S H I P WI TH R AY WHI T E CO MMERCI A L