If you are new to Europe contact your bus transportation office for information about bus transportation and to request a bus pass . This office can also provide information about bus stop locations as you select housing . DoDEA Europe Student Transportation school bus stop information and school bus passes are mailed to your APO address prior to the start of school . If you do not receive a bus pass , contact your local transportation office .
LINKS : DoDEA Administrative Instruction 4500.02 AER 606-18-1 Child and Youth Supervision DoDEA Administrative Insruction 1347.01 Student Disciplinary Rules &
Procedures . ( See section 7 )


Families can register prior to arrival via online registration . Once you arrive , you can visit the school to finalize any requirements . If your location has multiple schools for your child ’ s grade you can still register prior to arrival since the school will have access to your documents when you know where your child will attend . See next page for requirement documents for proof of eligibility . Contact the SLO for information !
DoDEA eligibility information DoDEAOnline Registration Note : this system will be down 17 June-15 July (& replaced with a new system . Link will connect to the NEW system .) Immunization Requirements ( Families have 30 days to provide documents )
Exceptional Family Member Program -Active duty families are required to complete the EFM clearance process prior to arrival . Civilian families may choose to complete clearance if they wish to ascertain that needed services are available in the new location .
Be aware that in some locations with multiple schools , when you first arrive your child may temporarily attend the school that is zoned for your Temporary Billeting / Quarters . When you know where you will be living ( on or off post ), there is a possibility that your child could be moved to another school , unless you live in the same zoned area . Again : CONTACT your School Liaison Officer for assistance and clarification to possibly avoid this situation .