SWW Trust Corporation Specialist Legal Drafting
Will Trusts
Whether it be a Life Interest (PPT), Disabled Trust, FLIT or Nil Rate Band Trust we can ensure that
the Trust is correctly established after death. Any conveyancing will be dealt with so that the trust
property is correctly registered in the trustee’s names.
Lifetime Trusts
Professional drafting of lifetime Family and Asset Protection Trusts fully approved by qualified
solicitors with 10-day turnaround time. Our introducing partners receive full Fact Find questionnaire
and supporting documentation to assist in advising the clients and taking trust instructions.
Trustee Support – Legal Drafting
Often lay Trustees will require assistance and guidance to ensure they are undertaking their fiduciary
duties correctly. We can assist both lay and professional trustees by providing Minutes of Trustee
Meetings, Deeds of Appointment and Retirement of Trustees and Deeds to appoint assets out of
the trust to one or all of the trusts beneficiaries.
We also offer professional legal drafting for the following:-
Disabled Persons Trusts
Personal Injury Trusts
Deeds of Gift
Spousal Bypass Trusts
Pension Trusts
Declarations of Trusts
First Registrations of Property
Deeds of Variation
Winding up of Trusts – appointing out of Trusts
Assenting Property from deceased’s estate to beneficiaries