After both presenting and
Deputies are very happy
(and looking forward to) to
be exhibiting at this year’s
conference again.
Professional Deputies are a
dedicated Court of Protection
(CoP) firm who do a lot of
work with both the elderly
and vulnerable, and act as
attorney/deputy for all types of
clients that are referred to us
throughout the country.
Our research has shown that
for whatever reason, most Will
Writers/Estate Planners do not
provide CoP services. Thus we
are particularly interested to
see what happens to any clients
that might be referred to you
that lack capacity, and thus
may require assistance with
an application to the court or
may require someone to act as
deputy for them. For example
you might have been instructed
to draft a Lasting Power of
Attorney for someone, but
when you visit them it is quite
clear that they do not have
the capacity to provide such
instructions. We draft hundreds
of CoP applications every year
for lay deputies, whilst providing
an extremely efficient service,
as well as a cost effective one!
We also act as a professional
attorney for clients that might
not have anyone else who are
prepared to take on this role.
In the administration of a
vulnerable individual’s affairs,
we believe transparency is
paramount. As such we charge
fixed fees for all of our services.
Thus we believe that we are a
firm, that offer a niche service,
at a very competitive price.
With over eighteen years of
experience in the field, we are
able to provide an all-round
money management system
for people that are unable to
manage their own finances due
to mental incapacity, and may
not have anyone else suitable to
take on this role. In what can be
a very difficult and complicated
area of work for all involved, we
believe our systems are at the
forefront of our success. This
is achieved by the software
we use, our spe
security at the co
practicality and l
approach. By w
wider care team
the individual, w
concentrate full
responsibility –
our client’s fund
We already wo
number of Wil