10% increase of Wills located
with Will Writing Firms
Thousands of Certainty Will Searches are
conducted on a monthly basis by next of kin
and probate professionals who are checking that
no Will exists or that the Will currently held is
in fact the last Will. As of August 2019, there
has been a 10% increase in the number of Wills
located and held by Will Writers in Will searches
in comparison to 2018. Of those Wills located,
70.5% of these were registered on The National
Will Register. Will Registration is quick and easy but plays an
important part in the estate planning process
as it ensures that a Will can be located in the
future. Through the passage of time it is not
unusual for a Will to get lost or for its existence
to be forgotten about by both the Testator and
Executor(s). Registering a Will on The National
Will Register records the Will’s existence and the
location where it is stored. All of which helps to
remove risk.
These increasing figures are a direct result of
conscientious and proactive Will writers who
recognise the importance and benefits that Will
Registration offers themselves and their clients. Since October 2017 the Society of Will Writers
has provided their members with the facility
to register the Wills they have written totally
free of charge on the National Will Register