SWLEP Annual report 2021 | Page 20

Get involved

The SWLEP is a business-led partnership and we are keen to hear the voice of local business in taking forward the work we do . There are several ways this can be done :
Joining the SWLEP : At least 70 % of the SWLEP Limited Board Directors come from the private sector and from time-to-time we advertise vacancies on the Board via our website .
Alternatively , you might want to consider becoming a member of SWLEP Limited and attend our Annual General Meeting .
To find out more or to apply , please email : administration @ swlep . co . uk
Provide feedback : We are interested in your views about the work we do as well as how your business may be affected by national policies . You can get involved by attending our events , participating in our consultations and surveys on our website , or through responding to a direct request for feedback from us . You can also provide us with feedback via our website and complete the Get in Touch form and insert ‘ Feedback ’ in the Your Enquiry field .
www . swlep . co . uk / contacts
Business support services : Start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses can access information , advice and guidance through SWLEP ’ s Growth Hub .
To find out more visit : swgrowthhub . co . uk or email : hello @ SWGrowthHub . co . uk
SWLEP newsletter : Subscribing to our newsletter is a great way to hear about the latest news on the SWLEP ’ s programmes and events which could support your business and extend your network within the wider business community .
To subscribe and get started , please email : hello @ SWGrowthHub . co . uk