SWLEP Annual report 2021 | Page 13

Ricardo McCalla is an apprentice at National Trust studying Level 4 Software Development
Naimat Kaur , a former student at Commonweal School , Swindon , is undertaking a level 6 apprentice in cyber security
Lewis Durling , SWLEP Kickstarter . “ I would 100 % recommend the Kickstart scheme . I ’ m gaining great experience ”

Skills and talent

Skills continues to be a priority for our work and with funding from the Department for Education ’ s Skills Advisory Panel , we have been able to closely monitor the local labour market in greater detail than ever before . Using this resource , we have published labour market reports on a monthly basis to help with the local response and to complement the information that is available on our data dashboard . This analysis has been presented regularly and shared widely to help with economic response and recovery .
Local Skills Plan
July saw the publication of the Local Skills Plan which sets out the route map to balance skills supply and demand and enable inclusive growth by : improving the use of skills and labour market intelligence achieving a step change in the take-up and achievement of apprentices meeting the demand for high skill jobs , especially those requiring Science Technology , Engineering and Mathematics ( STEM ) skills raising aspirations and employability promoting programmes to improve the physical and mental health of employees .
Local Skills Report
The Local Skills Report was published in March 2021 pulling together the trends in the Swindon and Wiltshire skills and labour market and setting them alongside what our businesses and local skills providers were telling us . Find out more here .
The Careers Hub
SWLEP continues to work in partnership with both Unitary Authorities to deliver the Careers Hub . Due to the pandemic , the service had to adapt its business model to provide a virtual service across the network of 63 schools and colleges it supports to help raise the aspirations of our students .
The Careers Hub is highly respected and has performed well in achieving the Gatsby benchmarks ( a recognised national and international framework ) and ensures that there is high quality delivery of careers advice and guidance in all schools and colleges , working closely with local businesses and Enterprise Adviser volunteers .
The Kickstart Programme
In September 2020 , SWLEP was accepted as a Gateway Organisation to roll out the Department for Work and Pension ’ s Kickstart Programme , an initiative devised to help tackle youth unemployment .
The Kickstart Scheme , which is open until the end of December 2021 , provides funding to employers to create six-month job placements for young people age 16 to 24 who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment .
By the end of the financial year , SWLEP had handled 227 placement applications from local SMEs offering professional work experience and employability skills to young people . The SWLEP itself also created five placements with three Kickstarters recruited in March 2021 .