SWLEP Annual report 2021 | Page 10

Since 2015 , Board meetings have been open to the public to observe . Questions can be submitted in advance , and where possible , answered at the following Board meeting .
These images were taken pre COVID-19

The SWLEP Board

The SWLEP Board is business-led and chaired by Paul Moorby OBE . It ’ s supported by a small core team headed by Chief Executive Officer , Paddy Bradley , who is also a Director on the Board . Local Enterprise Partnership Boards are allowed to range in size with between 14 and 20 directors as long as 70 % of them come from the private sector . Board Directors do not receive any payment for their role but they can claim expenses .
By March 2021 , the SWLEP Board comprised 15 Directors , 80 % of whom were from the private sector . SWLEP is committed to achieving a 50:50 male to female balance on the Board by March 2023 .
A round of Board recruitment and a review of our governance arrangements is part of SWLEP ’ s annual operational rhythm .
During the year , the Board said goodbye to Alex Reed , Mark Smith and Peter Wragg following their valuable contributions to our work . In July 2020 we welcomed Colonel Neville Holmes followed by Pam Webb , Suzanne Wigmore and Professor Ian White as new directors of the company in January 2021 . As a result of these appointments , we are pleased to have representatives from the Third Sector and a University on the Board for the first time .
The Board approved a revised governance structure in July 2020 which was designed to prepare the company for managing a substantial new capital funding programme with the establishment of a Performance Committee and a Strategy Committee operating alongside three subgroups :
Skills and Talent Ideas , Infrastructure and Places Business Environment
The reshaped Joint Scrutiny Panel became operational during the year comprising three elected representatives from Swindon Borough Council and from Wiltshire Council alongside three business seats . The addition of business representatives was a new element . Its main focus this year has been a deep-dive into the work of the Growth Hub . This commenced in January 2021 to better understand the Growth Hub ’ s role within the local business support landscape , review its activities and performance as well as set it within the context of other Growth Hubs nationally . Its work continued throughout the spring and will conclude early in the summer of 2021 . In addition , the Joint Scrutiny Panel will produce an annual report of its work for the SWLEP Board .
If you ’ re interested in joining our Board we would be keen to hear from you . We ’ re particularly interested in hearing from businesses in the legal , finance , housing and construction sectors .