SwitchOn! issue 1.3 | Page 9

Big Picture Science ...is coming to SBN-KIOSC Radio Big Picture Science is host- ed by popular science communicator Dr Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute, and science journalist Molly Bentley. Each episode typically includes four to six scientist interviews, skits, and explanatory and humorous banter between the hosts. Big Picture Science is produced by the SETI Institute, a non-profit research organization in California’s Silicon Valley. The show has won over a large audience, and is now broadcast on over 100 stations in the U.S.A and Canada. It’s also available for podcast download for those listeners beyond the reach of these radio stations. You can find this week’s show, as well as an archive of hundreds of previous episodes, at bigpicturescience.org. The podcast is also available on iTunes (where it has a listener rating of five stars). Now SBN radio is thrilled to be able to bring you Big Picture Science as well! Check it out and let this show prove to you that science isn’t just a dry homework assignment! Science that Scintillates OK, what are the most exciting topics in science today? Perhaps you want to know what was here before the Big Bang? Or maybe you’d like to hear when we’re going to build a machine that is smarter than the human brain. Possibly your passion is to find life in deep, deep space. When is that going to happen?  These subjects and many more are all a part of Big Picture Science, a weekly, one-hour radio show that talks about modern science and technology in a lively and funny way.  Big Picture Science takes on the big questions by interviewing leading researchers – from students to Nobel Prize winners – and weaving together their stories of discovery in a clever and Listen to Seth’s podcast Science that Scintilates with Dr Seth Shostak off-kilter et narrative style. Whether it’s an audio tour of the electromagnetic spectrum or a plunge down into the tiny territory of a nano-scale world, this show will give you endless material to talk about with your friends, family, or the guy sitting next to you on the bus! Despite what you see in the movies, scientists ar en’t all serious folks, lacking a sense of humor, and shuffling about their laboratories in white lab coats (in fact, very few real scientist actually wear white lab coats!) They are people who just want to know something that none of the 100 billion Homo-sapiens who have ever existed on this planhave known SETI Institute USA They want to be the first to make a discovery, though they’re also skeptical. If someone tells a scientist that UFOs are buzzing around the countryside, or that Bigfoot is stomping through the forests, or maybe that telepathy really works – well, they’re going to raise their eyebrows, and say “prove it!” That’s the nature of science; you know something only if you can get good, hard data that shows it to be true. So once a month, Big Picture Science offers Skeptic Check, where we take on a bizarre claim, and look at it critically. Where’s the evidence, really, for UFOs or Bigfoot or telepathy? Tune in to find out! before. SwitchOn 9