SwitchOn! issue 1.3 | Page 55

TRASH ON YOUR BACK OVERVIEW: REDUCING OUR PERSONAL WASTE Carey Donvale Year 4 students were transformed into ‘Trash Warriors’ in an effort to reflect upon and reduce their personal waste. From the 11-15th June 2014, students took part in Sustainability News & Entertainment USA® (SNAE) ‘TRASH ON YOUR BACK 5 DAY CHALLENGE’© Australian chapter, in partnership with the School Broadcasting Network (SBN). The students became ‘Trash Warriors’, collecting all of their non-perishable waste over the 5 day program. The program aims to heighten awareness of students’ personal trash impact on the planet. This is in response to Australia being one of world’s largest producers of waste per year, producing up to 5kg per person daily. The students were each given a BioPak compostable bag to put their waste in and the students carried these bags with them throughout the five days, even when attending after school soccer matches and gymnastics lessons. Part of participating in this research project was to investigate and become aware of the types of waste students produce as well as educating others about how they can reduce their personal amount of rubbish going to landfill. The students completed a range of mathematical tasks in relation to their waste and compiled their investigations as a Mathematics Talent Quest class entry. The students sorted, classified, weighed, measured, graphed and calculated the cost of their waste. They also explored ‘food miles’ and calculated the distances their food had traveled as well as the potential energy used in transporting their food. Through this project, students have become more aware of the need to make good choices when purchasing products to reduce the amount of packaging, and therefore the amount of landfill waste they produce. Kathryn Mann – Middle School Co-ordinator Some reflections from the students: Through Trash On Your Back I learnt how much trash I use and we combined our individual amounts to see how much all of the Year 4s produce. I also learnt how it is affecting the environment. Out of my waste I had more waste that had to go to landfill which I didn’t want, so now I mostly don’t eat stuff with plastic on it because I realised how much I used. Catia 4M Trash On Your Back was hard because at home you had to constantly carry around a big 80 litre biodegradable bag full of recyclables and landfill. You weren’t allowed any food that can break down because it would make the bag smell. From my experience I thought it was hard but fun in some ways. Jackson 4F We had the pleasure of doing Trash On Your Back. We did Trash On Your Back for five days. I leant that squishy plastic goes into landfill and hard plastic is recyclable. I would to it again and I would recommend it to any of my friends. Carla 4F I loved doing Trash On Your Back. I thought my experience of seeing how much trash I had will make me think twice next time when I buy something at the supermarket. My favourite part was sorting the r V&&