SwitchOn! issue 1.3 | Page 37

Listen to Nathalie’s podcast A New Light On Public Speaking developing self-belief which then allows each child to build confidence at their own The Proof is in the Pudding; So Much More Than A Good Speech By Sarah Hitchings O'Connor Last week, I was lucky enough to watch a whole Grade 6 class transform. My son had been doing a public speaking course called Yellow Lantern at his school. It is an innovative course that brings even the shyest child out of their shell. My Bill wasn’t one of the shy ones, but on graduation night he forgot to bring his speech. He knew if off by heart but with an audience in front of him he froze. Amazingly he handled it with a grace I had never seen before. Instead of bursting in to tears he said “give me a moment” before going behind a partition to pull himself together. Luckily his dad went to the rescue and had his speech there by the end of the night. Bill got up, did the deep breathing exercises he had practiced in the course, and delivered his speech like a champion. The focus for all the kids isn’t about being the most composed or not making mistakes, it’s about being your true self to the best of your ability. When the onus is taken off of the performance itself the children just shine. I’m not the only one who sees the fantastic Rachel, benefits in whose such a daughter program. Aisha did the course last year, told me. pace. The kids feel like they have someone “My daughter was always a pretty confi- walking beside them rather than dictating dent public speaker so I wasn’t sure what to them and this has made the world of dif- she would get out of the course. I was so ference.” wrong. She learnt a new level of empow- What erment and self-belief that translates well the beyond the scope of public speaking. It has “The Yellow Lantern approach to pub- put her in such good stead as she navigates lic speaking is gaining traction in schools the challenges of high school”. across VIC, NSW and QLD. We plan to have I spoke with Nathalie Brewer, Direc- this program available in each region of tor of Yellow Lantern about the rea- Australia within the next 3 years and there sons she has devised this much need- is already talk of it being available in the ed program. “I created Yellow Lantern USA. We also offer after school coaching because I saw a need for an alternative programs for smaller groups”. to traditional public speaking programs. For me, the proof is in the pudding so to The truth is, piling a heap of rules on a speak. Yellow Lantern caters to children of young speaker, such as hand movements, all abilities and is a wonderful program for pause breaks and the worst one of all “nev- giving kids self-confidence and inner hap- er say um” is in my experience counterpro- piness. I have seen children too scared to ductive, and in some cases damaging”. get up at assembly, doing their speeches “We teach kids how to express from proudly and with a smile on their faces. their What more could you ask for? heart, make mistakes, breath are future Nathalie’s of Yellow goals for Lantern? powerfully and be themselves in front of an audience. However that looks. The results are so much more than the ‘ability to give a good speech’”. Tanya Cooke, principal at Menzies Creek Primary School shared her insight into the Yellow Lantern program with me. ‘We are delighted with the Yellow Lantern Course as it commences from a basis of SwitchOn 37