SwitchOn! issue 1.3 | Page 33

     The allergic responses now commonly being   The allergic responses now commonly being The allergic responses now commonly being reported as aaresult of these synthetic chemicals reported as a result of these synthetic chemicals The allergic responses now commonly being reported as result of these synthetic chemicals include skin rashes and lesions that can chemicals include skin rashes andthese synthetic be reported as a result of lesions that can be include skin rashes and lesions that can be cancerous, nausea, fatigue, burning and itching, cancerous, nausea, and lesions that can be include skin rashes fatigue, burning and itching, cancerous, nausea, fatigue, burning and itching, headaches, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, headaches, nausea, vision, difficulty breathing, cancerous, blurred fatigue, burning and itching, headaches, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, inflammationblurred vision, difficulty breathing, inflammationand pain in soft tissues and more. headaches, and pain in soft tissues and more. inflammation and pain in soft tissues and more. inflammationsyntheticclothingtissues andthe  The more synthetic clothingyou wear, more.  The more synthetic clothing you wear, the  The more and pain in soft you wear, the greater your risk of absorbing toxic chemicals. greater your risk of absorbing toxic chemicals.  The more synthetic clothing you wear, the greater your risk of absorbing toxic chemicals. greater your risk ofitabsorbing toxic latest fashion  As tempting as it is to follow the chemicals.  As tempting as it is to follow the latest fashion  As tempting as is to follow the latest fashion trends, temptingthat weto follow the latest fashion trends,it is vital as it is pay more attention to our  As it is vital that we pay more attention to our trends, it is vital that we pay more attention to our choices of clothing fabrics. Whilst that China-made, choices it is vital that we pay more that China-made, trends, of clothing fabrics. Whilst attention to our choices of clothing fabrics. Whilst that China-made, no-iron top clothingmay be cute for thatseason, ifif no-iron topor skirt may be cute forthe China-made, choices of or skirt fabrics. Whilst the season, no-iron top or skirt may be cute for the season, if itno-iron topskinrashes, lesions, inflammation and itresults in skin skirt maylesions, inflammation and it results in skin rashes, lesions, inflammation and results in or rashes, be cute for the season, if uncontrollable itching the appealinflammation and uncontrollable itching the appealwill most certainly it results in skin rashes, lesions, will most certainly uncontrollable itching the appeal will most certainly wear off (excuse the pun) quite quickly! wear off (excuse the pun) appeal will most certainly uncontrollable itching the quite quickly! wear off (excuse the pun) quite quickly! wear what can we do pun) quite quickly! amount So, off (excuse the about reducing the amount So, what can we do about reducing the So, what can we do about reducing the amount of toxic what can we do about reducing the amount of toxicchemicals we are exposed to through our So, chemicals we are exposed to through our of toxic chemicals we are exposed to through our clothes? chemicals we are exposedtoavoid aa‘killer’ clothes? Here’s my top three tips totoavoid a ‘killer’ of toxic Here’s my top three tips through our clothes? Here’s my top three tips to avoid ‘killer’ purchase: Here’s my top three tips to avoid a ‘killer’ purchase: clothes? purchase:    purchase:     Wash your clothes before wearing Wash your clothes before wearing Wash your clothes before wearing Get rid of those toxins! Whilst azo dyes might still Get rid of those toxins! Whilst azo dyes might still Wash your clothes before wearing Get rid of those toxins! Whilst azo dyes might still lingerrid of those toxins! Whilst azo dyes might still lingerin your clothes even after washing, another Get in your clothes even after washing, another linger in your clothes even after washing, another widely used chemical to avoid is formaldehyde. widelyin your clothes even after washing, another linger used chemical to avoid is formaldehyde. widely used chemical to avoid is formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is generally used istogive aapermanent Formaldehyde is generally usedtoformaldehyde. widely used chemical to avoid Formaldehyde is generally used to give a permanent give permanent press effect to clothing, to increase staina resistance press effect to clothing, to increasegive resistance Formaldehyde is generally used to stain permanent press effect to clothing, to increase stain resistance and foreffect to fasting.It is also used to keep and forcolour fasting. It to also usedstain resistance press colour clothing, is increase to keep and for colour fasting. It is also used to keep garments looking new and fresh.used to keep garments looking new and also Before wearing and for colour fasting. It is fresh. Before wearing garments looking new and fresh. Before wearing any garment make new andthoroughly washed any garment makesure it’s fresh. Before wearing garments looking sure it’s thoroughly washed any garment make sure it’s thoroughly washed and aired, preferably outside, before use. For new and aired, preferably outside, before use. For new any garment make sure it’s thoroughly washed and aired, preferably outside, before use. For ne