SwitchOn! issue 1.3 | Page 23

AVOIDING GM INGREDIENTS IN OUR FOOD? The best way is to avoid buying processed food and drinks by Jessica Harrison We are in a better situation in Australia than the USA. Only 2 GM crops are grown commercially – GM canola (9% of total crop) and cotton (95% of total crop). GM oil from these crops enters our food chain via fast food and processed items. South Australia and Tasmania ban GM crops, while Victoria, NSW and WA only grow a small percentage of GM crops. GM contamination has already occurred - you can find out more at www.gmcropwatch.org.au. WA organic farmer Steve Marsh suffered GM contamination of his farm in 2010. He is now tied up with long, expensive legal action against his GM-growing neighbour - see safefoodfoundation.org. Although there is no market worldwide for GM wheat, “trials” are planted in southern Australian states, which risk contaminatiing our wheat crops. In Queensland, banana and sugar cane “trials” are also a concern. See trial map here. Are GM crops the solution to feeding the world? GM crops are part of the chemical agriculture treadmill. GM seeds are owned and patented by chemical multinational companies. GM crops result in increased debt for many First World farmers, as they spend scarce savings on expensive seeds and chemicals and then if crops fail, these farmers suffer potential ruin. Social and economic injustice is the main cause of world hunger. Patented GM crops are not the solution. See more details here: GMO Myths and Truths earthopensource.org. GM Free Australia Alliance is the peak GM-free organisation for our region. The Alliance links groups and individuals campaigning for a GMfree future. You can sign up for a free e-newsletter and join the campaign. The Alliance calls for a freeze on GM crop and food approvals. Donations are gratefully accepted - visit www.gmfreeaustralia. org.au Sign the G M Freeze Pledge here Poster competition! Design a poster for your local bakery using the words: “We only use GM-free wheat in our bakery”. Email your design to: [email protected] The winning design will be displayed in bakeries around Australia! SwitchOn 23