Maci Gump
“You can't stop the future.
You can't rewind the past.
The only way to learn the secret to press play."
-- Jay Asher
Exclusive Interview with
1. How does it feel to be the sweetest sweetheart?
2. How long have you been on roleplay?
3. How do you put up will all of the people that give you hate?
4. Have you ever met anyone on roleplay in real life?
5. Why did you choose Melissa Benoist to roleplay?
6. What advice do you have for all of the new people in the roleplay community?
7. Do you have your own sweetheart?
8. What is your motto?
“Magna, sit amet consequat risus. Etiam faucibus tortor a ipsum vehicula sed hendrerit eros suscipit.”
1. It feels great! I am honored :)
2.I have been on roleplay for about 5 years.
3. I know a lot of people usually say they ignore it, but I don't. I do let it get me down, sadly. But after a while the hating stops because I don't post anything towards them or about them.
4. No I haven't :(
5. Melissa and i are so extremely similar. Our taste in music, our taste in theater, and strangely enough we both have rat terriers (a dog). She is just a good spirit and she's so lively and beautiful.
6. Don't trust very easily. Get a good solid friendship and then you can trust people.
7. Chance Harding :)
8.Live everyday of your life to the fullest because you never know, it could be your last.
Nullam eu tempor purus. Nunc a leo magna, sit amet consequat risus. Eti-am faucibus tortor a ipsum vehicula sed hendrerit eros suscipit.Donec pellentesque, enim ac gravida con-gue, lorem velit aliquet turpis, non adipiscing mauris dui at nisi.