Sweet Auburn: The Magazine of the Friends of Mount Auburn Reimagining the Cemetery as Museum | Page 7

Connecting to Our Collections: A New Mobile App for Mount Auburn By Bree D. Harvey, Vice President of Cemetery & Visitor Services Mount Auburn is in the process of creating an exciting new resource for its many visitors. Since last fall, the Cemetery has been working with webCemeteries. com to build an interactive mobile app that provides basic navigational tools as well as detailed information about the people, plants, art, and other landscape features found throughout the Cemetery. The app, which will be ready for visitor use later this year, will be an invaluable resource for family members, researchers, regular visitors, casual tourists—and even our own staff. Ease of “wayfinding”—the process of moving from one place to another using navigational tools—is an important factor in determining the quality of visitor experience at any museum or cultural institution. At Mount Auburn, where 30 miles of roads and paths meander over 175 acres, wayfinding is critical. Loaded into the n ]