People and Happenings
People and Happenings
Landscapes in Our Lives : Mount Auburn and Elsewhere
“ Mount Auburn Cemetery and Landscapes of Memory ,” a program held February 6 at the Massachusetts Historical Society , featured a panel discussion by Blanche M . G . Linden , author of Silent City on a Hill : Picturesque Landscapes of Memory and Boston ’ s Mount Auburn Cemetery and Elizabeth ( Betsy ) Barlow Rogers , author of Landscape Design , A Cultural and Architectural History and President of the Foundation for Landscape Studies in Brooklyn , NY . Moderated by President Bill Clendaniel , the evening explored the vital role landscapes play in our lives , indeed imprinting themselves on our consciousness and becoming inseparable from many of our personal milestones . Blanche detailed Mount Auburn ’ s history and pioneering role in the landscaped cemetery movement , and Betsy described her part in the revitalization of Central Park , including establishing a new landscape , working with Yoko Ono on the memorial to John Lennon , Strawberry Fields .
On February 8 Blanche spoke further about the history of Mount Auburn to a sizable crowd at the Harvard Book Store in Cambridge and then signed copies of her revised and expanded edition of Silent City . Following the signing , Friends members joined Blanche for a reception at UpStairs on the Square in Harvard Square .
Clockwise from top : Mount Auburn Director of Education Bree Harvey with copies of Blanche Linden ’ s expanded edition of her book on Mount Auburn ’ s history , Silent City ; Bill Clendaniel introduces Blanche Linden before the author of Silent City speaks to the audience at the Harvard Book Store in Harvard Square ; Blanche with her son Marc Lindow of Wellesley and daughter Julia Lentini of Ashland ; ( l to r ) Betsy Barlow Rogers , Blanche Linden and writer / landscape historian Jane Roy Brown at the Massachusetts Historical Society .
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