Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery 580 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge , Massachusetts 02138-5517
www . mountauburn . org • 617-547-7105
Upcoming Events
Here is just a sampling from the exciting schedule of upcoming programs . Visit us online today to register for any of these programs or to get a complete list of other events on our calendar .
k Fall Bulb Planting Event Thursday , October 21 , 9:30 AM
Get your hands in the soil alongside our gardening staff during our annual fall bulb planting . Bulbs planted in the Cemetery each fall add blooms to Mount Auburn ’ s early spring season . Bring your work gloves and trowels along with lots of energy and enthusiasm . Dress for garden work . Rain date : October 22nd . Free .
k Monarchs of Mount Auburn Sunday , November 14 , 1 PM
Deeply rooted in our cultural history , the oak tree is often equated with strength and permanency . Join Visitor Services Assistant Jim Gorman for this walk to survey some of these aged monarchs ( some that even pre-date Mount Auburn ) and recount oak facts and lore . $ 5 members , $ 10 non-members .
k A Curious and Ingenious Art : Reflections on Daguerreotypes at Harvard Thursday , December 2 , 5:30 PM
The daguerreotype , the first publicly announced photographic process , provided a new vehicle for capturing signature moments and creating exquisite portraits in the mid-19th century . Today these images are viewed as a window into the past and treasured as rare works of art . Join us in Story Chapel for this talk and reception with Melissa Banta , who will look at the stories behind the daguerreotypes held by Harvard University . The University ’ s collections include portraits of some of Mount Auburn ’ s well-known figures as well as intriguing uses of the medium to document scientific discoveries . $ 5 members ; $ 10 non-members .
Melissa Banta is a Program Officer for Photographs at Harvard University Library Weissman Preservation Center and a consultant for the Historical Collections at Mount Auburn .
22 | Sweet Auburn photo by george mclean
k Perpetual Care : Records of Enduring Value Tuesday , January 18 , 12 noon
Bring your lunch and join us in Story Chapel for this introduction to Mount Auburn ’ s Historical Collections . What are they ? Where are they ? Who has access to them ? This special presentation with our Historical Collections staff is an opportunity to learn about our archival collections including founding documents , architectural and horticultural records , photographs , guidebooks , and ephemera . Coffee and tea will be served . Free .
k Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Birthday Celebration Saturday , February 26 , 10 AM
Join us in Story Chapel as the Friends and the Longfellow National Historic Site gather for this annual event . This year , we will pay tribute to one of Longfellow ’ s closest friends and fellow Mount Auburn resident , Charles Sumner . Born 200 years ago this year , Sumner left a lasting impact on Massachusetts and the country through his actions as a lawyer , abolitionist , and U . S . Senator . Free .
k A Passion for Birds Thursday , March 24 , 6 PM
As we bid farewell to winter and welcome the early days of spring , anticipation of the spring migration begins . Join us in Story Chapel for this presentation by Shawn Carey , who will share his own passion for birding through his stunning wildlife photography . A great teaser of what is to come for our seasoned birders , this is also the perfect opportunity for the non-birder to find out what the fuss is all about ! $ 5 members , $ 10 non-members .