Sweet Auburn: The Magazine of the Friends of Mount Auburn Mount Auburn as a Horticultural Innovator | Page 17
People and Happenings
Jane Carroll has been appointed
Mount Auburn’s Vice President
of Development. Jane has over 20
years of fundraising experience,
involving wide-ranging initiatives
in a variety of organizations,
including experience in four capital
campaigns. She began her develop-
ment career at Governor Dummer Academy as the Campaign
Director. At Boston College as Director of Major Gifts, she
participated in BC’s first major capital campaign. Following
her experience at BC, she was appointed Vice President of
Development at the YMCA of Greater Boston where she
had responsibility for capital, annual, and corporate and
foundation giving. At the YMCA, she launched and completed
a $13 million capital campaign to build and renovate Y’s in
greater Boston including the Wang YMCA in Chinatown
and the Allston Brighton YMCA. As part of this campaign
she secured a $700,000 Kresge challenge grant.
After many years in Boston, Jane moved to Vermont and
joined the Vermont Humanities Council, where she planned
and implemented a successful capital campaign to purchase
and renovate a building to establish a permanent home
for the Council. As part of this campaign, VHC received
a $200,000 Challenge Grant. Most recently she was with
Lesley University as a major gifts officer after returning to
the Boston area.
Jane has a B. A. from the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill and an M.B.A. from Simmons School of Man-
agement. Jane and her husband, Ernie, recently moved to
the Navy Yard in Charlestown. She has two grown sons and
a granddaughter. About joining the Mount Auburn staff,
Jane says, “I have enjoyed Mount Auburn for many years
as a wonderful place to walk, bird, and be immersed in
history and nature. I am very enthused and proud to have
the opportunity to join Mount Auburn to lead the effort
for a new Horticulture Center and future improvements to
enhance this valuable community resource.”
Turn, Turn, Turn…
Staff Changes at Mount Auburn
With the retirement of Piper Morris, Mount Auburn
has seen some restructuring of the Development and the
Education & Visitor Services departments over the last few
months. Bree D. Harvey, former Director of Education &
Visitor Services has been promoted to the new position of
Vice President of External Affairs after eight years of work-
ing at Mount Auburn. Lauren Marsh, who was hired last
August as the Development Associate & Communications
Coordinator is now the Communications, Grants & Events
Mount Auburn’s Board of Trustees
Appoints New Members
Caroline Loughlin (right) of
Weston, Mass., and Caroline
Mortimer of Cambridge,
Mass., who have served as
Friends of Mount Auburn
Trustees since 2006, have
now both been elected as
Trustees of the Cemetery.
“I’m delighted to be work-
ing with Mount Auburn in this new way and honored
to join the distinguished Trustees who have guided this
organization so well for more than 175 years,” says Loughlin.
Loughlin has been volunteering in Historical Collections
for the last decade and co-chaired the 175th Anniversary
Celebration with Ms. Mortimer, who expressed a similar
sentiment about her new appointment. “I’m honored to
serve as a Mount Auburn Cemetery Trustee. I look forward
to being a member of this energetic group that has helped to
nurture and support the Cemetery’s mission so thoughtfully
and purposefully.”
Coordinator, a position which, along with Jennifer Johnston’s
position of Media and Imaging Coordinator, bridges both
External Affairs and Development Departments. Lauren
and Jennifer both now report to Bree. Jessica Bussmann,
previously our part-time Education & Visitor Services
Assistant, is now full-time as our Education & Volunteer
Coordinator. The newly dubbed External Affairs also bid
farewell to Dawnielle Peck, Visitor Services Coordinator,
in May. Dawnielle is pursuing a new career as a pastry chef,
and her position has been turned into two part-time Visitor
Services Assistant positions, filled by Jim Gorman, long-
time Mount Auburn volunteer and Katie Robinson, a
recent Preservation Intern. The
Development Department
welcomes Samantha Furbush
as a full-time Development
Assistant & Gifts Coordinator.
Sam started as a temp at the
Cemetery last July, and she
quickly made herself indispens-
able. She graduated last May
from Simmons College with
a B.A. in Arts Administration/
Finance. An active volunteer,
sh e works with Girls LEAP,
Bree D. Harvey, Mount Auburn’s
the Isabella Stewart Gardner
Vice President of External Affairs
Museum, and the Boston
Red Sox in addition to holding two part-time jobs at the
Wellesley Symphony Orchestra and the Calderwood Pavilion
(part of the Huntington Theatre).
Fall 2010 | 15