Sweet Auburn: The Magazine of the Friends of Mount Auburn Mount Auburn as a Community Resource | Page 17
People and Happenings
Cornerstones and Collections
Mount Auburn
hosted a special late-day
tour on July 15 of our
archival collections as
part of a joint program
with the Cambridge
Historical Society and
the Longfellow National Historic Site. Curators and archivists
at each site showed highlights from their extensive collec-
tions of archival manuscripts, photographs and ephemera.
The public program, called “Cornerstones and Collections,”
focused on the many connections among our institutions,
with architecture as a unifying theme. Over 35 people, in
four separate groups which visited each of the three sites
along Mt. Auburn
and Brattle Streets,
were treated here to a
glimpse of our remark-
able collections, includ-
ing a 19th century
felt hat worn by the
Cemetery gatekeeper,
the 1896 watercolor
proposal by Willard T. Sears for Story Chapel, a candelabra
featuring Bigelow Chapel, and an 1855 petition to build a
conservatory. Curator of Historical Collections Meg Win-
slow, Archivist Brian Sullivan, and volunteer and Friends
Trustee Caroline Loughlin gave presentations, explained the
collections on display, and answered questions. The program,
which began at 5:00PM, ran well into the evening.
19th century souvenir teacup, Mount Auburn’s Historical Collections
Grant awarded to Mount Auburn for
new entrance to Story Chapel and
Visitors Center
Mount Auburn was recently
awarded $132,000 by Mass-
Development in partnership
with the Massachusetts
Cultural Council (MCC)
through their Massachusetts
Cultural Facilities Fund
(MCFF) for a proposed new
entry to Story Chapel. Ours
Proposed Story Chapel & Visitors
Center Entrance
was among 85 projects (out of
a field of 132 cultural orga-
nization applicants) in 2009 to receive grants. This is a 1:1
matching grant, so with it comes the
challenge to raise matching funds by
December 2010. McGinley Kalsow
& Associates of Somerville, MA, have
prepared a conceptual design that is
reminiscent of a former 19th century
porte-cochere at Story Chapel but yet
focuses on improved contemporary
visitor accessibility and increased
Story Chapel with Porte
energy efficiency.
Cochere, 1934
Friends Trustee Caroline Loughlin wins
historic landscape publication award
Caroline Loughlin of Weston, MA,
a Trustee and the Treasurer of the
Friends of Mount Auburn, was one
of three editors on a new publication
(2009), The Master List of Design
Projects of the Olmsted Firm, 1857-
1979 which was awarded the pres-
tigious Boston Society of Landscape
Architects Award of Excellence in
May 2009. Caroline, and the other
two editors, Lucy Lawliss and
Lauren Meier, have received
two other prominent awards for
this book: the Award of Honor
from the American Society of
Landscape Architects in Chicago
in September 2009 and an award
from the Betsy Barlow Rogers
Foundation for Landscape Studies.
Fall 2009 | 15