Sweet Auburn: The Magazine of the Friends of Mount Auburn Inspiring All Who Visit | Page 19
People and Happenings
On Sunday, March 22nd Mount
Auburn Cemetery Volunteer Docent
Carol Harper gave an encore
presentation of her “Passport to
Père Lachaise” program for the
Friends of Hope Cemetery at the
Worcester Historical Museum
in Worcester, MA. Invited by
the Friends of Hope Cemetery,
President Anne “Cookie” Nelson
and Vice President Brenda Sullivan, the audience included
William Wallace, Executive Director of the Worcester
Historical Museum, who hosted the event.
With an audience of about 40 people, a lovely reception
of wine and hors d’oeuvres followed during which a lively
conversation about Paris’s renowned garden cemetery Père
Lachaise ensued.
Business as Usual,
Despite Record Snow
Despite the record-breaking winter with 110 inches of
snow, the hard-working Mount Auburn staff kept our 11
miles of roads plowed and the Cemetery open for business,
and performed 100 interments during the months of January,
February and March.
This spring, the Education
& Visitor Services department
welcomed a high-school
intern from the Community
Charter School of Cambridge.
Isaiah Santil, shown here
at the CCSC Senior
Internship Exhibition Night
on May 28th, completed
a 100-hour internship as
part of his requirements for
graduation. While at the Cemetery, Isaiah photographed
trees from our collections and compiled interesting facts
about a number of specimens that would be of interest to
younger visitors. We plan to use some of his hard work to
create child- and teen-friendly tours within our new mobile
app, which is now in developme