Sweet Auburn: The Magazine of the Friends of Mount Auburn In Celebration of 175 Years | Page 13
Mount Auburn’s Maps: Going Electronic
On the earliest map of Mount Auburn, hand-drawn
by Alexander Wadsworth in 1831 (see sidebar profile on
page 10), we can note the outlines of some 200 lots, sym-
bols for hundreds of individual plants, shading depicting
seven hills, and darker hatching marking water bodies. All
of these renderings seem to “pop” from the page, and each
feature is easily distinguishable from the next. This earliest
map is like a work of art.
Now, 175 years later, in a new millennium, maps at
Mount Auburn have “gone electronic.” In 2006, Mount
Auburn installed a commercially available geographic
information system (GIS)
software package called
PlotFinder that allowed
us to create an interac-
tive online map with data
drawn from hard copy and
computerized sources. This
PlotFinder map includes
data about lots, lot own-
ers and residents buried
at Mount Auburn—and
even depicts the Victorian
granite curbs around some
lots and the actual graves
within lots. It allows us to see a burial or lot in the greater
context of surrounding lots and burials, and PlotFinder’s
layering features provide a clearer picture of areas within
Above: The first map of the Cemetery, drawn by Alex-
ander Wadsworth in 1831.
Left: Its digital descendant, a segment of the Cemetery
on PlotFinder.
the Cemetery that can potentially be developed as burial
spaces. Alexander Wadsworth would be amazed!
Consecration Dell Guidebook Published
A beautiful new booklet focusing on “the
geographical, historical and metaphorical heart” of Mount
Auburn—A Guide to Consecration Dell at Mount Auburn
Cemetery—was published by the Friends of Mount Auburn
in 2006. Edited by former Vice President of Interpretive
Programs Janet Heywood, it features essays by Christopher
Leahy of the Massachusetts Audubon Society and photo-
graphs by Richard Cheek. Funding for the Guide was gen-
erously provided by the Anthony J. & Mildred D. Ruggeiro
Memorial Trust and by Suzanne R. Weinstein in honor of
Frederic D. Weinstein.
A Guide to Consecration Dell at Mount Auburn Cemetery
is available for purchase at the Cemetery’s Administration
The Cemetery publishes
Mount Auburn Notable Bi-
ographies, profiling more than
500 notable people buried here.
building on weekdays. The cost
is $10 ($8 for members of the
Friends of Mount Auburn).
You may also order copies by
mail by sending payment to
the Friends of Mount Auburn
Cemetery, Attn: Publications,
580 Mount Auburn Street,
Cambridge, MA 02138. Please
add $2 for shipping and han-
Dr. Donald Wyman identifies
more than 2,000 trees on
the grounds. The Cemetery
begins adding labels to trees
to educate the public about its
horticultural collection.
Auburn Court Gar-
den Crypts opens, the
first of its kind in the
Boston area.
Spring 2007 | 11