Sweet Auburn: The Magazine of the Friends of Mount Auburn Expanding our Educational Outreach | Page 23

People and Happenings

People and Happenings

The Future is Green :

Arranging a Bequest for Ecological Assessment at Mount Auburn

PHOTO BY jennifer johnston
Stephen Fitzsimmons in his Cambridge , MA home .
Stephen Fitzsimmons , Ph . D ., of Cambridge , wanted to make a gift to Mount Auburn that would make a difference in a major area of operations , in particular helping the Cemetery take a proactive approach toward ecological issues and in so doing encouraging others to do the same . As a result , he is making a gift from his estate to create the Mount Auburn Ecological Challenge Fund for Scientific and Strategic Management .
The Fund will produce annual distributions in perpetuity to support periodic assessments of Mount Auburn ’ s natural habitats , studying water , soil , plants , animals , birds and insects — as well as ad hoc topics of special interest at any point , such as the local impact of global warming , drought , blights , and more . Dr . Fitzsimmons was very careful and thorough in outlining his wishes , while giving the Cemetery broad discretion as to how it can spend the income from the Fund .
Steve ’ s first interest in things ecological was inspired decades ago by reading the Rachel Carson classic Silent Spring and the writings of biologist Barry Commoner . A 1958 graduate of Northwestern University , he also earned a master ’ s degree in psychology at Washington State University and a doctorate in social and industrial psychology at the University of Houston . He went on to a career in public policy research with Abt Associates , Inc ., of Cambridge , studying a broad range of issues , including analyzing domestic and international government programs and activities regarding their rationale , goals , operations , accomplishments , and renewal . He is the author of numerous papers and articles .
In arranging his bequest to Mount Auburn , Dr . Fitzsimmons summed up his wishes by saying he wanted to give the Cemetery “ the rules and tools ” for meeting environmental challenges in the future . “ My own interests as a scientist include ecology and the development of a holistic approach to ecological preservation and development ,” says Dr . Fitzsimmons . “ I invite others to join me in helping the Cemetery . That ’ s why I call this a ‘ challenge fund .’”
For further information or to make a gift , please contact : Priscilla P . Morris , Vice President of Development , Mount Auburn Cemetery , 580 Mount Auburn Street , Cambridge , MA 02138 , 617-607-1919 ; pmorris @ mountauburn . org .
Fall 2007 | 21