Announcing New Family-Friendly Activity Guides
Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery 580 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge , Massachusetts 02138-5517
www . mountauburn . org • 617-547-7105
Upcoming Events
Here is a sampling from the exciting schedule of upcoming programs . Visit us online today to register for any of these programs or to get a complete list of other events on our calendar .
k Organic Gardening Saturday , August 9 , 10 AM
Observe our green methods of organic gardening at the Greenhouse while touring a variety of annual and perennial plantings with Greenhouse Horticulturist and Plant Health Care Specialist Kelley Sullivan . $ 7 members / $ 12 non-members
k Ornamental Grasses Wednesday , September 3 , 5:30 PM
Ornamental grasses can be a great , sustainable addition to your home garden . Join Steve Jackson , Plant Records Manager , for a walking tour of ornamental grasses on the grounds . Meet at the Flagpole at Meadow Road . $ 7 members / $ 12 non-members
k Author Talk : Caitlin Doughty Thursday , September 25 , 6 PM
Join us for an evening with Caitlin Doughty , founder of the website Order of the Good Death and the popular Ask a Mortician web series , as she promotes her forthcoming book , Smoke Gets in Your Eyes : And Other Lessons from the Crematory . Free
k The Widows ’ Handbook Reading Sunday , September 28 , 3 PM
Join us in Story Chapel as contributors to The Widows ’ Handbook : Poetic Reflections on Grief and Survival will read passages from the first-ever anthology of poems by contemporary widows . More info can be found at : www . mountauburn . org / 2014 / the-widows-handbook-reading / Free
22 | Sweet Auburn
Announcing New Family-Friendly Activity Guides
Mount Auburn is a great place to explore with kids of all ages . There is so much to see : our beautiful plants and trees , our resident wildlife , and different styles of monuments . To help local families better explore the Cemetery and to deepen their bond with this special place , the Friends of Mount Auburn is pleased to announce the creation of four seasonal activity guides geared for children ages 2 to 6 . Copies of the seasonal activity guides will be available for free at our Egyptian Revival Gatehouse and can also be downloaded from our website . Come explore Mount Auburn with our Summer guide now and be on the lookout for the other seasonal activities soon . Special Thanks to the Watertown Community Foundation , and the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation for supporting the creation of these seasonal activities and artist and naturalist Clare Walker Leslie for allowing the use of her illustrations in the guides .