Sweet Auburn: The Magazine of The Friends 2021 Vol. 2 | Page 12

Landscape by Larry Weaner Landscape Associates ( photo : Rob Cardillo )
We look back at Indian Ridge ’ s history not to recreate note for note what once existed , but to ensure that our interventions honor this legacy landscape . Similarly , the Wildlife Action Plan described by Larry recommended making existing patterns and features more legible and coherent . On Indian Ridge , this means recognizing that Oaks and Pines dominate the northern end while Sugar Maples dominate southern portions . These trees define sun-shade patterns , with especially charismatic trees serving as focal points along Indian Ridge Path . The views exhibit a pattern here too ; expansive vistas into lower-lying areas alternate with intimate scenes glimpsed through the trees and long views down Indian Ridge Path .
The herbaceous layer in cemeteries , whatever the composition , must be low to avoid obscuring monuments . In our office ’ s work for cemeteries , we have also found that fine-textured herbaceous vegetation reads especially well against the solidity of monuments . For the herbaceous layer at the top of