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By : Simone Nemes Gardening Technician
Stephanie Almasi Assistant Gardening Supervisor
Kristin Follet Assistant Greenhouse & Nursery Manager
Luis Santiago Grass & Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
Simone Nemes and Steph Almasi , pre-pandemic , Winter 2020
C OVID-19 has created challenges for everyone at the Cemetery . The usual tasks of grounds clean-up , prepping turf for seed germination , trimming , pruning , planting , irrigation , and integrated pest management could not be done via Zoom ! Nevertheless , our amazing staff adapted to the governor ’ s safety regulations and restrictions while keeping the Cemetery well maintained and safe for visitors .
When social distancing began , the greenhouse staff instituted a rotational schedule to keep up with watering , plant orders , and holiday deliveries . Additional staff were able to ease back into work , to keep up with tributes , perpetual care plantings , and container gardening .
Around mid-April , many of the yearround horticultural grounds staff returned to work with social-distancing stipulations and staggered start times . We stay safely 6 feet apart while allotting our daily tasks . Operations Center doors are kept open so that people do not have to touch doorknobs , and sanitizing wipes are always available . For a time , we also eliminated refrigerators , microwaves , the ice machine , and even tables in the staff dining areas . Employees eat outside or in their personal vehicles . Supervisors now log their employees ’ hours to eliminate the use of time cards .
The Pandemic Task Force and Safety Committee have been instrumental in keeping everyone on the grounds safe . They give safety briefings to those who are returning to work to ensure that we are all adhering to the same protocols . Vehicles are furnished with bleach solution and paper towels to disinfect the equipment before and after use .
Despite the pandemic , the seasons unfold their wonders , from spring ephemerals and flowering trees and shrubs to migrant birds . The new plantings on Indian Ridge provide a fresh look and attractive wildlife habitat . Asa Gray Garden displays a tapestry of plants that are growing toward maturity . Cool spring temperatures and adequate rainfall helped with grass seed germination and allowed our smaller workforce to complete preparations for Memorial Day .
We know that it hasn ’ t always been easy or perfect . Some of our co-workers have had to deal with travel restrictions when returning from their homes . Others have had to contend with self-isolation , due to contact with family members who have fallen ill .
Each day provides new challenges , but the staff at Mount Auburn have kept composure , kindness , and humility in this process . Together , we look forward to the day when the entire staff can meet again in person .