Sweet Auburn Magazine 2024 Vol. 1 | Page 24

Mount Auburn Cemetery 580 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge , Massachusetts 02138-5517
www . mountauburn . org 617-547-7105

Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery ’ s Oak Circle

Photo by Ginny Brady
“ It brings me great joy knowing that my estate plan with the Friends of Mount Auburn will help maintain the Cemetery ’ s horticultural collections in our changing climate , preserve significant monuments , and ensure Mount Auburn is an open and welcome sanctuary to all .”
– Ginny Brady , Volunteer , Docent , and Oak Circle Member
A planned gift from your estate qualifies you as a member of the Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery ’ s Oak Circle – a group of forward-thinking leaders who are dedicated to the Cemetery ’ s vision . The oak , among the most revered trees in our collection , is a symbol of longevity , dignity , strength , and knowledge . It therefore aptly lends its name to the Oak Circle , in which we recognize those who have generously named the Friends of Mount Auburn in their will or estate plan . As a member of the Oak Circle , you will receive invitations to exclusive receptions , recognition in the Annual Report , and more . A bequest is a meaningful and potentially transformative demonstration of commitment to this exceptional landmark – and one that costs you nothing in your lifetime .
In addition to bequests , other types of planned gifts can include , but are not limited to : Pooled Income Fund , Charitable Remainder Unitrust , Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust , and ( Deferred ) Charitable Gift Annuities .
To learn more about the Oak Circle , to make a planned gift with Mount Auburn , or to notify us of an existing estate plan , please contact Beth Brown , Vice President of Institutional Advancement , at bbrown @ mountauburn . org .