sweet auburn | 2022 volume i
In 2021 , Mount Auburn established the David P . Barnett Fund for Horticulture and Urban Ecology . We are pleased to welcome our inaugural Barnett Fellow : ecologist and recent Lesley University graduate Mina Burton .
Mina will be working on a GIS StoryMap , on which she plans to showcase all the various citizen-science and biodiversity studies being carried out at the Cemetery . Included will be study descriptions , interactive maps , images , and key findings from each research project . The final StoryMap , while accessible to all audiences , will allow researchers and stakeholders to utilize the detailed information they need .
On Wednesday , February 19th a small group from Waypoint Adventure enjoyed a visit to Mount Auburn .
“ It is very challenging to find a nice place for our group to hike in the winter . Finding well plowed roads that don ’ t have much traffic in pretty places is very challenging in Massachusetts ! Add to that a wonderful accessible bathroom , nice people waving to us around the grounds , and a super helpful person behind the desk at the welcome center , it ’ s been really wonderful .”
— Michelle Hoffmeister , Waypoint Adventure www . waypointadventure . org
Loyal friend and greenhouse volunteer , Robert “ Bob ” Greenland ( 1934 – 2022 ) died Sunday , February 20 . Bob attended Friends programs for at least twenty years and was a dedicated participant at the bulb planting each autumn . He would often get up early and bake fresh blueberry scones to bring to the greenhouse where he volunteered every Wednesday . Bob always took time to enjoy the sunshine and watch the plants grow . He will be greatly missed by his friends at the Cemetery .