Swamirara Top 25 Thousand Year Old Temples in India - Google | Page 3

    The   Brihadeeswarar   temple   is   a   Shiva   Temple   situated   in   Thanjavur,   Tamil   Nadu.   This   is   also   known   as   the   RajaRajeswara   Temple   Rajarajeswaram.   The   Chola   architecture   is   reflected   in   this   temple.   This   temple   was   built   for   Raja   Raja   Chola   and   it   is   one   of   the   oldest   temples   in   India.   The   construction   of   this   temple   is   said   to   have   been   finished   in   1010   A.D.    3.   Kailasa   Temple    Visit   :  h   ttps://www.swamirara.com/