Swamirara Top 25 Thousand Year Old Temples in India - Google | Page 24

    This   temple   stands   at   12,073   feet.   This   is   the   highest   temple   of   Lord   Shiva   in   the   world.   It   is   believed   to   be   more   than   1000   years   old   and   the   exact   dates   of   the   temple’s   origin   are   obscure.   According   to   Legend,   it   was   Pandava,   the   Indian   mythological   hero   who   constructed   this   shrine   to   revere   and   seek   the   pardon   of   Lord   Shiva.   This   temple   can   accommodate   only   10   temple   as   it   is   very   small   in   size.                             Visit   :  h   ttps://www.swamirara.com/