Swamirara Essay on Importance of Education - Google Docs | Page 4
unknowingly, each and every person is a learner at all stages of his or her life.
Society gives more respect to an educated person than to an uneducated rich
person. With education, one can learn many things in the world and teach many
things to the world as well. Education enriches a person in many ways such as:
● Change the Society
It is believed and also proved that an educated person can only bring a
positive change in the society. Since ages, it is being heard that home is
the first school for a kid and mother is the first teacher and father the
second, and the next priority and importance is given to a teacher or guru
who moulds a student by imparting all the knowledge he/she is builtin
with. So a Teacher being certified with highdegree of education can
transform a student with no idea of education to a master or pro. Only a
teacher has that capacity to nurture hundreds and thousands of students
and enlighten them in the world of education.
● Independent Thinking
An educated person’s maturity level will be broad when compared to an
uneducated person. A literate or an educated fellow can face problems
and sort out them with a rational thinking, he or she will a capability to
solve the critical situations without depending on anyone. A person with
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