Are you looking for an automated chemical cleaning line ?

Turbex has delivered the right cleaning solution for hundreds of UK businesses for nearly 40 years . Customer satisfaction is everything ; they only ever employ and train the best people , and work with partners whose goals are closely aligned to their own .
From the spacious and well-equipped facilities in Alton , Hampshire , they offer a nationwide service that provides their customers with innovative cleaning solutions and comprehensive support from their team of highly-trained professionals .
Automated chemical cleaning
Turbex ’ s bespoke chemical cleaning lines are designed for the aerospace industry to clean aircraft engine components , before non-destructive testing ( NDT ) inspections .
What is chemical cleaning
When preparing for non-destructive testing ( NDT ), component cleaning is essential for many industrial processes . The coating phases that follow NDT have exceptionally high cleanliness levels , since molecular layers of oil can prevent adhesion of the coating . Chemical cleaning removes contaminants such as carbon , scale , paint , coatings , oils and grease to aid this process .
How does chemical cleaning work ?
During chemical cleaning , you can use several different processes . These include aqueous , alkaline & ultrasonic cleaning , degreasing , alkaline rust removal & acidic descaling , paint & coating stripping and drying . By immersing components into alkaline or acid solutions , or a combination of both the chemistry will effectively remove the contamination , taking the metal back to its natural condition . Turbex ’ s chemical cleaning lines are fully automated to optimise the process as much as possible .
When to use chemical cleaning ?
Turbex ’ s chemical cleaning lines are used heavily in the aerospace industry , primarily for maintenance , repair and overhaul ( MRO ) of military and civil aircraft engines down to auxiliary power units ( APU ). You can also use them in the defence sector .
To find out more about all of Turbex ' s systems , products and services please contact the team at :
Telephone : + 44 ( 0 ) 1420 544 909 Email : service @ turbex . co . uk / sales @ turbex . co . uk Visit : www . turbex . co . uk
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