SW APRIL 2021 WEB | Page 50

Tank mounting pH electrode assembly
The tank mounted pH electrode assembly is the PS90s dip mounting pH electrode assembly . Designed to provide continual measurement of the pH in unpressurised vessels , sumps or pits - the PS90s is ideal for this purpose .
Utilising a rigid mounting tube with an adjustable mounting flange the PS90s provides precision pH measurements from the PS183-20B pH electrode located at the tip of the PS90s .
Given that the customer is using a powerful and accurate pH controller in the P7687 it ’ s important to pair the pH controller with a precision pH probe designed specifically for industrial usage . This is where the PS183-20B pH electrode comes in , offering accurate pH measurements in process environments . In addition using the BSP threaded connections the PS183-20B can be easily removed making calibration of the pH electrode simple and straight forward .
As with all sealed pH electrodes containing a liquid or gel reference junction , they eventually need replacing as the reference material is consumed . With the PS90s only the pH electrode insert , model number PS183-20B , is replaced , providing the customer with a low cost of ownership as only the pH sensor is replaced , the riser tube and precision electronics can be used over and over again .
The rigid mounting tube of the PS90s ensures that the pH electrode can continually provide accurate pH measurements to the pH controller , even when the tank mounted high speed mixer is operational .
High Speed Industrial Mixer
By incorporating a high speed industrial mixer into the wastewater treatment tank , AWE Ltd can improve both the chemical efficiency and reduce the contact time that the chemical reagents require during pH neutralisation .
As the treatment tank and the high speed industrial mixer have been designed and assembled at AWE Ltd ’ s Stafford factory they can ensure that all the constituent parts are working together as efficiently as possible . The high speed mixer is supported by the fabricated mixer bridge and the shaft and propellor have been designed to ensure that they accommodate the volume of liquid in the tank and the dimensions of the whole fabrication . To help matters further , the location of the mixer bridge ensures that when not operational , the half access lid can easily be opened for maintenance , cleaning and inspection .
The TM2 high speed industrial mixer is ideal for applications such as the pH neutralisation of wastewater . By creating a vortex within the tank the chemical reagents dosed from the dosing pumps are forced through the waste water to give good distribution . Combining good and even mixing along with a pH controller offering PID control as well as proportional control dosing pumps - the customer can be confident in both the waste-water treatment process and that chemical reagents aren ’ t being needlessly dosed into the system .
Dosing Pump
One key component of the waster water treatment is for pH neutralisation to occur . The customer ’ s processes generate effluent on either the acidic or alkaline side of the pH scale , depending upon which combination of processes are operating during their production process .
The waste-water treatment system is able to neutralise the pH of the incoming effluent if it ’ s on the acid end of the pH scale or the alkaline end , thanks to the system being able to dose from one of the two chemical dosing pumps .
Working with an incoming signal from the tank mounted PS90s pH electrode assembly and the P7687 PID pH controller - the pH controller sends a signal to either the acid dosing pump or the caustic dosing pump . Each of the pumps are our AT4-AM proportional dosing pump series with wetted parts suitable for each chemical reagent .
With a maximum output of 60 Litres / Hour each , the AT4-AM dosing pumps can be automatically speeded up or slowed down by the pH controller to ensure that just the right amount of chemical reagent is dosed into the process to neutralise the pH .
Suction Lance Assembly
The suction lance assembly fitted to each of the chemical dosing pumps allows for easy manual handling of the chemical containers , and when operational , maintains the prime of the dosing pumps . The integrated low level float switch also provides a signal to the control panel which can prevent the unit from operating when the chemical reagent has been used .
To ensure that operator is aware that an alarm condition has been entered , an audible alarm sounds ; the alarm beacon is illuminated and the corresponding low chemical level indicator is illuminated on the front of the panel . A remote alarm connection is also included for the customer for integration into their internal process system so that they are aware that the chemical needs to be replenished to ensure the pH neutralisation system can resume correct operation .
The pH neutralisation system uses model AC . LA . 25A suction lances specifically designed for use with 25 litre chemical containers . The suction lance is placed into the container aperture with the lid removed . The suction lances can be located within the chemical container by using the adjustable mounting flange , which also creates a seal over the opening .
48 APRIL 2021 read online : www . surfaceworld . com