SUUL Souvenir 43rd Anniversary 1 | Page 13

ULPHAN GELYN GAO-AY Graduated Bachelor of Science in Accounting Business Management
St . Louis University , San Fernando , La Union , Philippines . Resident of De La Peltrie , Montreal , Quebec Canada
QUOTE : “ We ' re connected , as women . It ' s like a spiderweb . If one part of that web vibrates , if there ' s trouble , we all know it , but most of the time we ' re just too scared , or selfish , or insecure to help . But if we don ' t help each other ! who will ?” Unknown
Graduated Paramedics , Justice Institute of British Columbia ( JIBC ) Residing at Beaconsfield Avenue , Montreal , Quebec , Canada
QUOTE : “ Our job on earth isn ' t to criticize , reject , or judge . Our purpose is to offer a helping hand , compassion , and mercy . We are to do unto others as we hope they would do unto us .” Dana Arcuri
Graduated Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Baguio Central University , Philippines Resident of Beaconsfield , Montreal , Quebec , Canada
QUOTE : “ You will enrich your life immeasurably if you approach it with a sense of wonder and discovery , and always challenge yourself to try new things ”. Nate Berkus
Graduated Bachelor of Science in Nursing ( BSN ) St . Louis University , Baguio City , Philippines Resident of Beaconsfield , Montreal , Quebec , Canada
QUOTE : “ If your actions inspire others to dream more , learn more , do more and become more , you are a leader ”. John Quincy Adams