Sustainable Interior Styling Guide and Design Directory 1 | Page 8

PVC is also dangerous while it is being used, because chemical ‘plasticisers’, added to make some plastics soft and flexible, break down and are released during normal use. One examples is that ‘new car smell’, which is actually the smell of toxic off- gassing. The most common of these plasticisers, diethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP), is a suspected carcinogen and is readily found in common household products. These additives also make PVC recycling virtually impossible. Approximately 75% of all PVC manufactured today is used in building materials, including water pipes that carry and store drinking water, window frames and siding, flooring, wallpaper, window blinds and shower curtains. Studies have found people exposed to PVC in building interiors (such as vinyl flooring) had significantly elevated risks of asthma, wheezing and pneumonia. Health Impacts Chronic exposure to VOCs has been linked to a broad spectrum of health problems. The immediate impacts from a single or repeated exposure can be: • • • • • • • eye, nose, throat and skin irritation nausea breathing difficulties fatigue headaches dizziness damage to liver, kidney and central nervous system. Then there are the long term impacts which come about after repeated exposure for years: • • • respiratory disease heart disease cancer We All Share A Global Home - “Earth” All of our actions impact on one another in sharing the united home we call ‘Earth’, and we are becoming all too aware of that, given the economic, social and environmental climate we are facing today. Ecological Footprint Australia has one of the largest ecological footprints per person, with each of us requiring approximately 6.25 hectares. To put this in perspective, if the entire world’s population lived at the same standard as Australians, we’d need 3.6 Earths to support ourselves. And whilst that figure may include industry, our households generage at least one-fifth of Australia’s greenhouse gases - more than 18 tonnes per household per year. Our secondary footprint is created through the indirect choices we make impacting on carbon emissions produced by the whole lifecycle of the products we choose. 08