Sustainability Report Anjali Hospitals 2015. | Page 2



Anjali was established in the year 1988 . The activities of the organisation were initiated on 29 th January 1989 . The founders after completing higher education formed Anjali in order to use their skill & capabilities for the poor and the needy . Anjali is a voluntary organisation based in village Ranasan . Ranasan with population of 5000 is a village in Talod taluka of Sabarkantha district in north Gujarat in India Beginning was made with health activities , the poor and the needy being the target population . The health activities developed progressively and other activities were added the needs were perceived At present the activities of Anjali are , a 90 bed Anjali Hospital , women ’ s program in 49 interior villages ( on the platform of saving groups ) and environment enrichment program . Organisation is inclined toward development programmes for children , youth , and villages The soil in Ranasan & in its vicinity is rocky & sandy and the climate is dry , windy , hot during 7-8 months of the year and cold during the winter months . The rainfall is less and unpredictable . There are two rivers which run if there is ample of rainfall . There are few lakes & other sources of water . The principal vocation of the people is agriculture . There are no industries in the vicinity . The level of education is low . Most of the population is economically & socially weak . The majority of the population of this area comes from the community of Thakors , Dalits , Ravals , Vagharis , Banjaras , Vadi , Pagi , Rabari samaj and migrant adivasi labourers . Most of them earn their livelihood as agriculture or miscellaneous labour . They have not made much progress either economically or socially . This group of people along with other economically weak & distressed section of the population are the main beneficiaries of Anjali ' s activities .
Vision and Mission and Statement : Vision :
1 . Activities promoting community health & primary health care . 2 . Rational- ethical & subsidised rural hospital services . 3 . Empowering education to women , children , youth and wide community . 4 . Environment enrichment .