Sustainability Report 2021 | Page 7

7 Introduction

These goals are strongly interconnected , but we consider

08 - DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Ensure good working conditions , both within the Group and in the global supply chain ( page 16 ).


12 - RESPONSIBLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION Develop as sustainable products as possible and actively spread knowledge and information about sustainable consumption .

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13 - CLIMATE ACTION Decrease indirect GHG emissions from production and choose transportation with eco-friendly fuels and improved vessels . our business can make more significant contributions to four of the Global Goals :

As the world today is more interconnected than ever and the Global Goals can only be realized through partnerships and cooperation , the most crucial goal is Goal 17 – Partnerships for the goals . Civil society alone cannot solve the challenges facing the world , nor can nations or the business sector . Partnerships are thus a prerequisite , a tool for achieving the other 16 goals . Therefore , New Wave Group is committed to several global partnerships on issues and challenges that require cooperation at a higher level than individual companies ( read more on page 23 ).
17 - PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS Partnerships such as amfori BSCI , FLA , International Accord for Health and Safety in the Garment and Textile Industry , Clean Shipping Index and Mistra Future Fashion .