Sustainability Report 2021 | Page 45

45 GRI index
Stakeholders and stakeholder engagement
GRI 102 : Standard
Disclosures 2016
102-40 List of stakeholder groups SR p . 43
102-41 Collective bargaining agreements
All employees in Sweden are covered by collective agreements . Other countries follow the guidelines of collective agreements .
102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders SR p . 42
102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement SR p . 43
102-44 Key topics and concerns raised SR p . 43
Entities included in the consolidated financial statements
Defining report content and topic boundaries
AR p . 15
SR p . 42
102-47 List of material topics SR p . 42
102-48 Restatements of information
102-49 Changes in reporting
Any restatements of information are always described in connection with the reported key figures .
Any changes in reporting are always described in connection with reported methods .
102-50 Reporting period Refers to fiscal year 2021 .
102-51 Date of most recent report 1 April 2021 .
102-52 Reporting cycle Yearly .
Contact point for questions regarding the report
Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standard
Anni Sandgren , CSR and Sustainability Manager , anni . sandgren @ nwg . se .
GRI standards level core .
102-55 GRI content index Consists of this index .
102-56 External assurance
The report has been reviewed by an external auditor , who confirms that the report complies with applicable legal requirements for sustainability reporting .
SR p . 50