GRI index 5
GRI 102 : Standard Disclosures 2016
Disclosure Disclosure / title Comment Page
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 201
Direct economic value generated and distributed
AR p . 16-35
AR p . 58-59
GRI 205 : Anti-corruption 2016
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 205
Risk for corruption can be found in our sourcing processes and in the meetings with our customers . Fundamental for the preventive work is the values of New
Wave Group , the Code of Conduct and additional Group policys . During audits of suppliers there is a risk of corruption , which is a serios zero tolerance issue .
SR p . 14-17
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption
See 103-1 / 2 .
Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresn
Communication of Code of Conduct is made to all suppliers with related agreements .
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
No reported incidents during the year .
Disclosure Disclosure / title Comment Page
GRI 301 : Materials
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 301
Decisions regarding materials are decentralized to the subsidiaries . New Wave Group aim to introduce more sustainable and eco-friendly materials in our range of products .
Own indicator
Products with sustainable attribute
SR p . 10
GRI 302 : Energy
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 302
The direct energy consumption occurs mainly in own production , where we have direct influence , and real estate energy . Other significant parts of energy consumption are upstream in our suppliers ’ factories and also downstream , for example , by washing garments . Therefore , we work to reduce our own consumption , focus on manufacturers ’ environmental work through audits , and advise customers on care instructions for garments .
GRI 305 : Emissions
103-1 / 2
Energy consumption within the organization
Management Approach , 305
Energy consumption in own production . SR p . 39
Significant climate impact comes from freight transportation between Asia and Europe and Asia and North America . Therefore , we are actively working to create effective routines and to influence the transportation providers we cooperate with .
SR p . 12 , 22-23
Direct ( Scope 1 ) GHG emission
Company cars . SR p . 39
Other indirect ( Scope 3 ) GHG emissions
Indirect from carriers . SR p . 12
Reduction of GHG emissions
Zero vision to minimize air freight , create efficient routines and influence the carriers we are cooperating with to use cleaner vessels .
SR p . 22-23
GRI 308 : Supplier Environmental Assessment
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 308
Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken .
New Wave Group works with other actors in the industry to gain an understanding of the environmental impact in the supplier chain , and how we through requirements and development projects can contribute to improvements .
An assessment of new suppliers , as well as ongoing assessments of existing ones , are conducted . To some extent , environmental requirements are included in the amfori BSCI audits , but are also included in our internal audits .