Sustainability Booklet 2016-2017 | Page 3

Sustainability is often defined as :

Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future to meet their own needs .
With this in mind , this handbook provides a variety of tips for living an environmentally responsible lifestyle as a student . We can all help make the sustainable difference by learning about sustainability — and living it every day . We hope this Student Sustainability Guide will help . Please use it as a regular reference for information and insights on the following topics :
Energy use on campus contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming . The more we can do to conserve energy , the more we can help to mitigate the increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere . Whether you are living on campus , or in off- campus housing , please do your part to conserve energy . Every seemingly small action counts .
Simple Ways to Conserve Energy
• Unplug all electrical appliances when not in use .
• Dress appropriately for the season . For example , wear layers of clothing during the winter months so you don ’ t have to turn up the thermostat . Keep thermostats set at 68 º during the cold months and 76 º during warm seasons .
• Remember to close doors and windows when the heating or cooling systems are on .
• During the winter , open blinds , drapes , and curtains to allow sunlight in for solar heat gain . In the evenings , close blinds , drapes , and curtains to reduce thermal heat loss .
• Use hot water sparingly .
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