Sussex News and Views Winter Edition | Page 3

New partnerships We’ve begun formal discussions with Viridian Housing to explore the possibility of forming a new partnership. Together, AmicusHorizon and Viridian own 44,000 homes. Paul Hackett, our Chief Executive said: “Working together we can build on our track record of engaging with residents to deliver sector-leading customer services. Economies of scale will enable us to provide great customer services at lower cost. By working together we can create the capacity to build more homes, more quickly than we could alone. We plan to build thousands of homes in thriving new mixed tenure communities.” In the meantime, we’ve also been selected to acquire Southwark and London Diocesan Housing Association (SLDHA). It means 277 homes across London will transfer to AmicusHorizon next year. We were chosen by the SLDHA Board, following a competitive process involving eleven housing associations. We believe our values and sector leading performance placed us in a strong position during the process. One of the unique selling points of AmicusHorizon is our commitment to ensuring residents are at the heart of everything we do. There will be consultations with residents and staff in due course, should both Boards agree to move to the next stage of talks. Resident award winner Involved resident, Joyce Foy, has been officially recognised for her hard work in supporting her fellow residents. Our Residents’ Council presented Joyce with the annual ‘Dorn Moller Award’. This is a special award given to a resident who’s made a significant contribution to their local community. Joyce, who lives in the East Kent region, has campaigned for local issues over many years and is keen on listening to and involving local residents. She’s made a massive contribution in the Millfield area, helping start the Lady Dane Tenants’ Association, being a board member of Swale Housing Association and representing residents on the East Kent Area Panel. Well done Joyce and thank you for your hard work and contributions.  - 0800 121 60 60    - [email protected]   - 3