I was arrested by the police for drug consumption when I was in Secondary 5. It was a
stark day which I remember clearly as it was also my father’s birthday. My family was
waiting for me, but I could not contact them as I was locked up in a police station. I can
still remember the exact date – 22 June 2002. When I eventually managed to contact my
dad in the evening, he had to bail me out.
I was sentenced to a year imprisonment at Selarang Park Prison in 2003. I was only
19 years old then. I was incarcerated again after that. This time during my national
service (NS) when I fell again to the lure of drugs. I was caught and sentenced to the
detention barracks. I was still a rebel after my discharge from the detention barracks.
Three months before completing NS, I was caught by the police for drug offences and
other criminal activities. This time round, I was sentenced to about four years imprison-
ment and two strokes of the cane..
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