Susan L. Morgan Susan L. Morgan

Security and Risk Online : Strengthening Your Online Protection

In this modern world , identity theft is a huge black market industry today . Don ’ t be just another statistics and take precautionary measures to protect your identity online today . Here are some useful ways to follow :
Stay away from public Wi-Fi
Connecting to a free public Wi-Fi is risky . It provides an easy way for hackers to steal your identity and track what you ’ re doing online . They may steal your logins and obtain any sensitive information if you aren ’ t being extra careful .
Software updates are important
You might find software updates that keep on popping on your screen as a disruption and insignificant but what you don ’ t know is that their updates are very important for many different reasons . One thing is because software updates could save you from outside attacks . Outdated software is like living in a house with no locks on the doors , you are so unprotected and vulnerable inviting unwanted intruders to access important things .
Phishers ! Phishers !
Phishers are tech-savvy con artists and identity thieves whose goal is to steal sensitive information from their victims using fake websites , fake emails , and other sophisticated techniques to steal information . Email phishing scams are the most effective strategy cybercriminals used to steal your information . If you ever encounter an email asking to confirm any information , don ’ t give away details .
Check if you ’ re already a victim