survival March,2014 | Page 7

You wrote “The Impossible” script with Bayona , do you see yourself writing other stories? -Well I don’t think much about the future, I think about the present. Tomorrow will see but for now I will enjoy today. The film is based on real events, but are there scenes that have been omitted? -Of course. The script was all real but there are parts that have been omitted. Reality it’s over fiction. For example when I asked the women that is throwing up her name she didn’t answer, but after two hours in which I didn’t stop asking she answered “My name is Simone” I told her “I can’t call you Simone, cause my little son name was Simón” . Did you ever think that the five of you were not meeting again? -All the time. In fact I never thought that Enrique, Tomás and Simón were alive. Have you return to the beach? -Yes, we love the ocean. The first time was a year after, Thailand invited us to make a ritual to all the survivors, but I was still sick so we went to a beach in Spain and we made the same ritual. Will you live the experience again? Definitely.