SurTHRIVE Dec.2013 | Page 10

Consider Your Friends' Feelings:

Group A- the ones who want to go to the sushi place for lunch

They were the majority, and yet, in order to avoid conflict, they had willingly made an effort to keep the peace by going to the food court. However, they have been seriously hurt by the thoughtlessness of group B, who refused to even sit in the sushi place while the others ate. They feel like they're being treated unfairly by firstly not being able to watch their preferred movie, and now not even getting a chance to eat at the restaurant they want. Being the majority, shouldn't they be allowed to have their way?


Group B- the ones who wants to stay seated in the food court

As the hosts of the event, they feel like they should have a right to picking what to watch and where they eat. They know that the group should vote- but then again, the last time you had a hang out, they'd already gone with what the other group wanted. So why shouldn't they get to pick this time? The movie they had picked had gotten some bad reviews anyway, and the sushi place was extremely expensive. It also had less variations when it came to the types of food they could be served. Although they didn't feel like eating at the food court, they felt like staying there anyway, as revenge for having caused them to miss the movie they wanted to watch. In addition, the 30 minute wait for nine seats at the sushi place just wasn't worth it.